Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Sheeple mass

The Sheeple of Wasilla turned out in force this afternoon to wave signs, block traffic to local businesses and listen to like minded Christian Coalition Right Wing Republicans rail against anything and everything Obama. Walking around the crowd with my long hair I felt like a little like a brother at a Clan rally. More than one eyebrow was raise in my direction by Good Ol' Boys wondering what a real life long hair was doing in their midst.

Congressman for All Alaska Don Young stopped by, got out of his SUV, Mounted the flatbed, said a total of about 20 words and left. Inneffectual and insincere as ever.
If anyone had raised their voices in rage against Bush in this manner during his first 90 days in office there would have been a sorrowful bleeting about "giving him a chance" and "He's just cleaning up Clintons Mess!", But these are the Limbaugh Legions that don't need to think about things like that themselves, they have a party leadership to tell them what to believe.

The bailout was engeneered by Bush and his inbred Cousins, it was just executed by Obama acting on behalf of the puppetmasters. And now we have a thound plus puppets out in the crisp spring Wasilla air dancing on their strings and reciting the party lines back and forth to each other.

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