Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009 Copper Basin 300 Pics

My Sister Helen was out braving the cold and covering the Copper Basin 300, you can see some of her pictures from the trail here...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Another year gone by

It is January again. My 52nd or 53rd, I stopped counting. The year gone by was the worst I have had so far. I lost my Mother. Mom was the center around which my planet orbited. I think all my siblings felt much the same, and the loss of our collective gravitational center has effected us all greatly. We don't see each other nearly as much as we did before. Most of our meetings in the last few years were at Mom's, but now I don't go there much. Dad and I never have had very much to discuss, and a few minutes together has us both looking at TV or looking for an excuse to find something else to do.
Sometimes I feel I should make more effort to have a relationship with him, but then I think that it was on him to develop a relationship with me in the last 50 some years. Until I got in trouble or joined the Army he was just the guy that came home late from the office, stayed in the bathroom for hours with a book and drove the car when we went somewhere and then he would drive us there and read a book while the rest of did what ever we had gone there to do.
Now a large screen TV has replaced his books, but the distance is still the same.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Listen to the starsQuadrantid Meteors

When a Quadrantid (pronounced KWA-dran-tid) meteor passes over the Air Force Space Surveillance Radar facility there is an echo.
Listen to live audio from the radar at
I'm using this to see when to go out with my digital camera and try to shoot some.

Bill in Meadow Lakes, Alaska -26°F Current: Clear Wind: N at 2 mph Humidity: 41%

My Travels - Some of the places I have enjoyed visiting