Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas-who needs this shit

OK, here is is, 10 PM Christmas Eve, and I have not gotten a present for anyone. And I don't intend to rush out and get any, perhaps if I were not flat broke it would be different, but blowing off Christmas has given me a new perspective on the whole thing.

Why should I buy presents for people to celebrate the birth of Jesus when I don't believe in Jesus? Not as the God figure that Christians worship. He may have been an ascended master, but the whole God crap just does not do it for me.

I think that I'll make this an annual event, blowing off Christmas, ignoring the ads demanding I go shop till I'm broke and putting a dead tree in my house and stringing lights and the whole ball of crap.

If I ever do decide that I need to worship some invisable force it will be one I can see some tangable effects from, like magnatism or Gravity.

Bah Humbug.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My Travels - Some of the places I have enjoyed visiting